Lesson Plans & Guiding Questions
The Role of Women in Ancient Mesopotamia
Development of a short (2-3 page) essay using primary and secondary sources.
For Grade Level(s): 9–11
Time Needed: Two class days of computer lab time, or two evenings of research time for students with Internet access outside of school. Two class days of discussions in groups of three.
Migration into Ancient Mesopotamia, a Mapping Lesson.
Students will be told to think like members of the Art Department of a scholarly journal. The Editor has decided that a particular article needs something to go with it, and it is their job to produce it. Ultimately, the thing they will need to produce is a map, though this information is initially withheld from the students.
For Grade Level(s): 6–12
Time Needed: One evening to read the passage and take notes. One full period to produce draft maps, compare them with peers, and produce a final draft of the map.