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Spindle Whorl
Textiles were one of ancient Mesopotamia's main exports. Specialized textile production centers were set up, often employing women and orphaned children to spin wool fiber from the fleece of sheep and then weave it into cloth. While few textiles themselves have survived, there is a wealth of archaeological evidence for textile production, including loom weights and spindle whorls such as the one featured here.
Name: Spindle Whorl
Material: Clay
Depth: 1.75 cm (0.69 in)
Diameter: 3.75 cm (1.48 in)
Date: 4000-3100 BCE
Place of Origin: Uruk, Iraq
Location: Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago, Illinois
Source and Registration#: Oriental Institute Museum A34606 Link to resource (accessed May 7. 2010).

Jennie Myers
Research Associate, University of Chicago