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Kneeling Worshipper from Larsa
In most periods of Mesopotamian history, various people dedicated votive objects to deities, including statuettes of themselves in postures of worship. This is a statuette dedicated by a man in Larsa to the god Amurru on behalf of Hammurabi. Amurru was an Amorite deity who was also known as Martu. He is sometimes described as a shepherd and is also known as Bēl Šadê, or ‘Lord of the Mountains.’ Hammurabi was an Amorite ruler in the Old Babylonian period.
Name: Worshipper of Larsa
Material: Bronze, gold
Height: 19.5 cm (7.7 in)
Date: ca. 1750 BCE
Place of Origin: Larsa, Mesopotamia, Iraq
Location: Musée du Louvre, Paris, France
Source and Registration#: Musée du Louvre, Paris, France, #AO 15704 Wikimedia Commons. Link to resource (accessed May 7. 2010).
For more information: Link to resource

Jennie Myers
Research Associate, University of Chicago