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Inscription from a Syriac Bible
Syriac is a Semitic language related to Arabic and Hebrew. There are still a few Christian villages in Syria in which Syriac is used. This image is from a page of the Syriac Bible. The Syriac Bible was originally translated from Hebrew during the second century CE. Syriac was one of the languages in which Christian churches in Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon formed their liturgy. While today the liturgy of these churches is in Arabic, Syriac still holds an important place in the history of Christianity in the Middle East.
Map Showing Extent of Kurdish Populated Areas of the Middle East
Name: Page from the Syriac Bible
Material: Paper
Size: Unknown
Date: 464 CE
Place of Origin: Amida (modern Diyarbakir), Turkey
Location: British Library, London, United Kingdom
Source and Registration#: Wikimedia Commons. Link to resource (accessed May 4, 2010).

Orit Bashkin
Assistant Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History, University of Chicago