Primary Sources
Kitāb ’Alf Leila wa Leila (One Thousand and One Nights), various editions available at Google Books:
Link to resource
“Ibn Battuta: travels in Asia and Africa 1325 – 1354.” Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Fordham University: The Jesuit University of New York.
Link to resource (accessed April 22, 2010).

John Woods
Professor of Iranian and Central Asian History, and of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
Alexander Barna
Outreach Coordinator, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Chicago
Al Madina Plan 1946, University of Texas, Link to resource (accessed April 20, 2010). Map of Medina circa 1946, identifying monuments dating back to the time of the first Muslim ummah
The Abbasid Caliphate around 750 CE, University of Texas, Link to resource (accessed April 20, 2010).
The Ottoman Empire 1481 – 1683 CE, University of Texas, Link to resource (accessed April 20, 2010).
The Ottoman Empire 1683 – 1923 CE, University of Texas, Link to resource (accessed April 20, 2010).