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Map of Neolithic Sites
This map shows location of the prehistoric sites mentioned within the module. These ancient settlements are located in the modern countries of Turkey, Syria, Israel, and Jordan. Many of these sites were located along the banks of major rivers, seasonal wadis, or in zones where there was a lot of rainfall. In these favorable environmental conditions, the inhabitants of these ancient settlements were able to cultivate crops and raise animals.
Name: Map of Neolithic Sites
Material: Paper map; digitized by CAMEL into a TIFF file
Size: 1,765,584 KB; physical map is 60" x 36"
Date: 1945
Place of Origin: Originally compiled and drawn by The Aerial Survey Expedition, Mary-Helen Warden Foundation
Location: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Source and Registration#: Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes, Oriental Institute, University Chicago; CAMEL ID: 1014346

Gil Stein
Director of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago