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Epipaleolithic Pit Houses at Abu Hureya
During the Epipaleolithic humans lived in built structures rather than in caves or open-air sites. Their dwellings were circular or semi-circular pits, measuring 2-6 m (6-19 ft) in diameter. These houses often had hearths and plaster floors. In some cases several pits were linked together to form complexes of rooms. At Abu Hureya, in the Euphrates Valley in northeastern Syria, some pit dwellings were arranged around an open communal area, paved with large river cobbles and containing a number of mortars, querns, and pestles.
Name: Epipaleolithic Pit Houses at Abu Hureya
Material: Museum Label
Size: Diameter of Houses: 2-6 m (6-19 ft)
Date: Epipaleolithic
Place of Origin: Euphrates Valley, northeastern Syria
Location: Oriental Institute Museum
Source and Registration#: Oriental Institute Museum

Gil Stein
Director of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago