Primary Sources
“Cursing of Agade, The.” The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. Link to resource (accessed May 7, 2010). Contains description of Gutians—tribal group that moved into Mesopotamia as Akkadian empire collapsed.
“Merneptah’s Victory Stele.” Tour Egypt. Link to resource (accessed May 7, 2010). Ends with listing of foreign lands, peoples conquered by the Egyptian pharaoh, including the earliest mention of people of Israel.
“Sennacherib Prism.” Translation adapted from D. D. Luckenbill. Link to resource (accessed May 7, 2010). Translation of Akkadian clay prism, bibliography.

Geoff Emberling
Former Chief Curator, Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago
“African language families.” Wikimedia Commons. Link to resource (accessed May 7, 2010).